The Importance of Having Children in Church
I recently read an article talking about why you are seeing less and less play places in McDonald’s. There are a lot of reasons for this....

The Struggle to Fly
Hannah Whitall Smith tells a story in her book, “The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life” of overcoming the mountains in our life. She...

Easily Distracted
Charles Sawyer, a former U.S. Secretary of Commerce, tells about a planeload of people flying across the Atlantic. A voice comes on the...

When Sports Become a god - Part 2
In last months blog, I disgusted how we as a nation have become so sports crazed. We have elevated sports to areas in our life that they...

When Sports Become God - Part 1
It was once a game. How sports became a god and how we as Christians should respond. Well college football is in full swing. My mother’s...

Is Happiness the Answer?
This past summer while on vacation in Canada, my family and I were walking across a bridge and we saw an individual on the wrong side of...

Back to School
If you listen carefully you can hear it. The sound of crying and the sound of rejoicing. That’s because it is almost time to go back to...

Why Hell?
A loving God wouldn’t send someone to Hell! If you have been a Christian long enough, someone has probably made this statement to you. ...

Letting Go of the Baggage
One of the worst forest fires in US history took place on September 1, 1894 in the town of Hinckley, Minnesota. To put in perspective...

Christ's Love for His Mother
It is hard to believe that spring is already here and that winter is finally past. With the beginning of spring comes warm weather,...